Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Here Birdie, Birdie

A few weeks ago the kids found a young dove in our backyard that had fallen out of it's nest. It was unhurt, but still needed to be feed by it's parents. So Adam adopted it (don't they make a cute pair?). The kids were so sweet with it. And it learned quickly to enjoy our company. You could see how it didn't want to be in another room alone. Sadly after near a week, it stole away while we ate breakfast. So we will inevitably be getting a replacement sometime soon - a parakeet, probably. Any recommendations or advice?

Now the second photo is of a crow that has been feasting on all the dove eggs in our trees (we need a few less doves in our trees!). We've watched this guy eat many eggs and it appeared one day to be considering nesting in one of our trees with another crow! These birds are so beautiful, I cannot believe it! I hope they stick around.

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